The Muon Spectroscopy Computational Project

Software and methods to make the muon spectroscopist's life easier








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Installing pymuon-suite

In this tutorial we’ll go through the best ways to install the MSCP toolset on any system of your interest, so that you can use it for the other exercises.

The first step is, of course, procuring Python itself. If you have not already done this, see the tutorial here.

Installing the MSCP tools

Granted that you already have Python and pip installed on your system, and a command line ready to use, then installing pymuon-suite is easy. First, you need to get the package from GitHub. You can do this in two ways. If you have git installed and are familiar with its use you can simply clone the repository:

    git clone

Otherwise, you can download it as a zip file and unzip it in a folder of your choice.


pip will take care of installing all of the dependencies (other packages that pymuon-suite needs to run). Just follow the instructions below.


To install the downloaded packages, navigate to the parent directory in your terminal. If you don’t know how to do it, here’s a handy guide for Linux and MacOS. and here’s one for Windows, which has a different syntax. Once you are in the directory above the unzipped/cloned package, you can run:

pip install ./{package} --user

where {package} represents the name of the directory where you unzipped/cloned the package. In your case, if you didn’t rename the unzipped directory, it should be:

pip install ./pymuon-suite --user

and you’ll be ready to go.

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